
Make out Club.

No matter what I do, I seem to make the same mistakes that I try not to. In a way I enjoy it and that's my decision. I'm only human am I not? I have a sharp tongue and a quick wit. When you play the games that I do, you can't help but want to be a little wicked or facetious if you will. If you're good at it, you can take bullshit and sell it to blind folks. Seven layers and a firm brush stroke teaches you to make yourself and your messages subliminal. You get stuck between two worlds and you're torn because you're not fully aware of what you want. Don't front it, take what you can, give back what you want and call it a day. It's a gift or a curse depends on what you make of it.

1 comment:

me said...

it's always interesting to see people admit that they're master manipulators.

because, wouldn't admitting it lessen the effect?