

How the fuck can you do thia to me? I've never turned a hand in your direction and yet you feel like you can do anything you want to me. At first everything was fine and then you just changed. Like some sort of monster. You molded yourself into not only a parasite but into something I realized I had to get away from. Like prey, you treated me. You hunted me down and tried to destroy my happiness. You knew my health was fragile and yet you decided to crush the breathe out of my frail lungs. How fucked up are you that you could do such damage and then call me the whore?! My body aches from the slaps and bites. These scars won't heal because that was your plan all along. To gather me into your web and just leave me for dead. You knew I thought I couldn't do any better than you and so you took this chance to rape me and my heart. You are a monster and you fucking know it. You feed off my soul and try to dissect my every little move. Every detail becomes a part of you until I can no longer breathe. The worst fucking thing is that you get away with it too! No one will listen to my cries and they always turn away as the blood begins to pool. If I ever got the chance I would take a pole and ram it through your chest. You don't know how good it would feel to have your blood running down my hands. Oh god. Am I becoming you?

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