

When the time comes and I need you the most, you're never to be found. The lies are profound but yet I stay near. Hoping to hear your words comfort and warm me instead of breaking my heart. I doubt things'll ever be the same as they once were. I'm wiser but still stupid and you haven't changed a bit even with all this time that's passed. Guess that makes me a fool. I'm blind and deaf to your ways and I hate it. I can't stand how I let you rip apart my being. I know you can never do better than me but why do I always end up running back to you? I just wanna find solice in your beating heart, warm chest and dark eyes. Can I do that again or am I forever damned to contemplate on the things that will never be. Curse my bleeding heart. It's fucking useless, making excuses for you and trying to cover up your sins. Yet all the while I know I shouldn't turn such a blind eye to these things and I should carry on. Wish things could be that simple.

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